
Tracheal aspiration guidelines 2013 (for the patients with the airway artificial in adults)

Japanese respiratory therapy medical society tracheal aspiration guidelines revision working group 1), Masaki Nakane 1), 2), Toshihiko Morinaga 1), 3), Cormorant Yoshihiro Sawa 1), 4), Tetsuya Miyachi 1), 5), Makoto Hayashi 1), 6), Hiroko Anbo 1), 7), Satoru Nomura Yuki 1), 8), Aya Takayama 1), 9), Hitoshi Yokoyama 1), 10), 嶋先晃 1), 11), 石川悠加 1), 12), Kohei Ozaki 1), 13)
1) Japanese respiratory therapy medical society tracheal aspiration guidelines revision working group, 2) A hospital attached to the Yamagata University School of Medicine, 3) Social insurance Shimonoseki welfare hospital, 4) Kameda General Hospital, 5) Mizoguchi Hospital attached to the Teikyo University School of Medicine, 6) Socialized medicine corporation iron manufacture memory Yahata Hospital, 7) A hospital attached to Iwate Medical University, 8) (medicine) medicine truth society Tsushimi Hospital, 9) A hospital attached to Kawasaki Medical School, 10) St. Marianna University School of Medicine Hospital, 11) Municipal Tonami general hospital, 12) National hospital mechanism Yakumo Hospital, 13) A hospital commemorative for Kobe 100 years
The Japanese Journal of Respiratory Care 30(1): 75-91, 2013.


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