
Early chief intervention effect after the coronary artery bypass grafting by the physical therapist

Masato Nishimura 1), Akiko Yano 1), Yoshimi Matsuo 2), Tadayuki Kamata 3), Going up to Tokyo Shinnichi 4), Toshibumi Mori 4), 頓田央 4), Hiromitsu Noda 4), Tomoji Kuroyanagi 4), Yutaka Shimomura 1)
1) Kishiwada virtue bank meeting Hospital rehabilitation department, 2) Kobe Gakuin University synthesis rehabilitation department medical care rehabilitation subject, 3) A hospital rehabilitation part attached to the Osaka University School of Medicine, 4) Kishiwada virtue bank meeting Hospital cardiovascular surgery
Official Journal of the Japanese Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation 11(2): 315-319, 2006.


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