
Exploring the usefulness of the Volitional Questionnaire and Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills in psychiatric day care setting

Masataka SHIKATA1), Hiroyuki NOTOH2), Naoko BABA3), Yoshikazu ISHII4)
1)MOT, OTR, Division of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Tokoha University, 2)Ph.D, OTR, Division of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Tokoha University, 3)MOT, OTR, Yokohama Comprehensive Care Continuum, 4)OTR, Ph.D, Division of Occupational Therapy, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Japanese Journal of Occupational Behavior 23(1): 2-8, 2019.


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